
Accepts: 1
Submissions: 17
Time Limit: 16000/8000 MS (Java/Others)
Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)
Problem Description
Gorwin is a Goodness while Vivin is a Dios. Vivin has hidden to love Gorwin for long time. Vivin believes that Dios will one day get a counter attack. Today is Valentines' Day, Vivin gets up the encourage to make an engagement with Gorwin. During the dating, they play a game. There are $2n$ cube boxes of the same size on the ground, Gorwin and Vinvin will take $n$ boxes respectively and then pile a tower of $n$ boxes. They will take $2n$ seconds to pile the towers. In each second, only one people can take exact a box and pile it to his/her own tower. However, according to the doctrine of ¡°lady first¡±, the height of Vinvin¡¯s tower should not be higher than Gorwin¡¯s during every second in the game. You are expected to write a program to calculate how many different operation sequences to complete the game. For the answer may be very large, please output the answer modular $3814697265625$ instead.
There are multiple test cases. In the first line of the input file there is an integer $T$ indicates the number test cases. In the next $T$ lines, each line contains an integer $n$ which is mentioned above. [Technical Specification] All input items are integers. $0< T <= 20, 1<=n<=1000000000000000000({10}^{18})$
For each case£¬the output should occupies exactly one line. The output format is Case #id: ans, here id is the data number starting from 1; ans is the result of answer modular $3814697265625$.
Sample Input
Sample Output
Case #1: 1
Case #2: 2
For the first case, the is only one way to accomplish the game, i.e. step 1, Gorwin piles one box to her tower; step 2 Vinvin piles the last box to his tower. Because Vinvin¡¯s tower should not be higher than Gorwin¡¯s in every second during the game, so step 1 Vinvin can¡¯t take a box to pile to his tower. For the second case, Way 1: step1 Gorwin piles one box; step2 Gorwin piles one box; step3 Vinvin piles one box; step4 Vinvin piles one box; Way 2: step1 Gorwin piles one box; step2 Vinvin piles one box; step3 Gorwin piles one box; step4 Vinvin piles one box. There is no other valid way to realize the game. So the answer to the second case is 2.