ZYB loves Xor I

Accepts: 142
Submissions: 696
Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)
Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)
Problem Description
Memphis loves xor very musch.Now he gets an array A.The length of A is n.Now he wants to know the sum of all (lowbit($A_i$ xor $A_j$)) $(i,j \in [1,n])$ We define that lowbit(x)=$2^{k}$,k is the smallest integer satisfied (($x$ and $2^k$)>0) Specially,lowbit(0)=0 Because the ans may be too big.You just need to output $ans$ mod 998244353
Multiple test cases, the first line contains an integer T(no more than 10), indicating the number of cases. Each test case contains two lines The first line has an integer $n$ The second line has $n$ integers $A_1$,$A_2$....$A_n$ $n \in [1,5*10^4]$£¬$A_i \in [0,2^{29}]$
For each case, the output should occupies exactly one line. The output format is Case #x: ans, here x is the data number begins at 1.
Sample Input
4 0 2 7 0
2 6 5 4 0
Sample Output
Case #1: 36
Case #2: 40