
Accepts: 3
Submissions: 64
Time Limit: 8000/4000 MS (Java/Others)
Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others)
Problem Description
AFa have n mountains. These mountains in a line¡£All of mountains have same height initially. Every day , AFa would request ZJiaQ to cut some mountains or put stones in some mountains. And request ZJiaQ report how many mountains belong to ¡°high mountain line¡± when all of mountains in a range have same height, and higher than the nearest mountain in left and the nearest mountain in right. the range of mountains called ¡°high mountain line¡± of course ,the mountain in the most left and most right can¡¯t be one of ¡°high mountain line¡±
There are multiply case In each case, the first line contains 3 integers: n(1<=n<=10^9) , q ( 1 <= q <= 50000), r(0 <= r<= 1000 ).n is the number of mountains. q is the number of days. r is the initial height . In the next q lines, each line contains 3 integers: l, r, val(1<=l<=r<=n, -1000 <= val <= 1000). Means in the day the mountains¡¯ height in range[l,r] have added by val. but you should let the l,r,val xor ans to get true l,r,val. ans is the answer you printed.
Print q lines, each line contains a single answer.
Sample Input
5 5 0
4 5 87
2 5 -48
3 3 17
4 5 -171
5 5 -494
Sample Output