Falsyta in Tina Town

Accepts: 1
Submissions: 376
Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)
Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others)
Problem Description
Falsyta is a lovely village girl. She loves to play with numbers besides doing housework. Her dream is to be a math teacher in a primary school. One day when she was putting her numbers in order, she touched a variable $x$ accidentally. The initial value of $x$ was $x_0$. Once $x$ was touched its value would become $(kx+b)\ mod\ P$ĄŁ Falsyta wanted to restore it, so please help herĄŁ Please find out the minimum touches to turn $x$ back to $x_0$ from $x_0$. If itĄŻs impossible, please print -1.
The first line is an integer $T$, representing the number of casesĄŁ The following $T$ lines, four non-negative numbers each line, $k, b, x_0, P$ respectively. $1\leq T\leq 100$ $0\leq k,b, x_0 < p$ $1\leq p\leq 10^9+9$
For each case, output the answer.
Sample Input
4 7 1 13
11 4 2 12
Sample Output