GT and set

Accepts: 35
Submissions: 194
Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)
Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)
Problem Description
You are given $N$ sets.The $i-$th set has $A_i$ numbers. You should divide the sets into $L$ parts. And each part should have at least one number in common. If there is at least one solution,print $YES$,otherwise print $NO$.
In the first line there is the testcase $T$ ($T$$\leq$$20$) For each teatcase: In the first line there are two numbers $N$ and $L$. In the next $N$ lines,each line describe a set. The first number is $A_i$,and then there are $A_i$ distict numbers stand for the elements int the set. The numbers in the set are all positive numbers and they're all not bigger than $300$. $1\leq$$N$$\leq30$£¬$1\leq$$L\leq5$£¬$1\leq$$A_i$$\leq10$£¬$1 \leq L \leq N$ You'd better print the enter in the last line when you hack others. You'd better not print space in the last of each line when you hack others.
For each test print $YES$ or $NO$
Sample Input
2 1
1 1
1 2
3 2
3 1 2 3
3 4 5 6
3 2 5 6
Sample Output
For the second test,there are three sets:{1,2,3},{4,5,6},{2,5,6} You are asked to divide into two parts. One possible solution is to put the second and the third sets into the same part,and put the first in the other part. The second part and the third part have same number 6. Another solution is to put the first and the third sets into the same part,and put the second in the other part.